Benefits of Alternative Medicine and Therapy against Modern Medicine

Over the last couple of years alternative medicine has gained enormous reputation. Today we hear a lot about alternative medicine and therapy that are widely being used, but yet there are many who are still not sure about its benefits and often raise questions regarding its effectiveness. In fact, many people who ask questions like – how it differs from conventional medication. They usually speculate why its been labeled or always referred as “alternative” and what benefits it can deliver against modern medicine.

In broad terms, “alternative system of medicine” differs totally from the mainstream medicine. In comparison to modern medicine, this form of medicine actually works by combining different elements of lifestyle including exercise regime, diet along with the actual medicine itself. It is a practice of consuming a medicine without having a heavy dose of any drug. Perhaps it is one of its own kinds of therapies where an individual becomes a member of different treatment techniques. The best part is it doesnt have any side effects. Every treatment techniques are 100% natural and safe. They majorly use natural substances processed simply. It doesnt involve any participation of advanced manufacturing processes, which commonly generally make use of carbon polluting energy. Apart from this, if we talk more about its benefits then alternative system of medicine is much more cost effective. The cost involved in alternative therapy is generally affordable and even the most financially compromised families can easily afford it. Adding to this, it usually recognizes the true nature of disease. Besides this, alternative medicine recognizes physical symptoms only develop when you ignore the mental and emotional signs and symptoms. And, this mental strength allows individual to deal with different health problems as they arise. An individual finally able to understand the how physical body functions and the way it relates to health.

It is one form of medical treatments whose benefits just cannot be ignored. Though medical science has not totally accepted its effectiveness, but yet these days many conventional medications are getting linked to natural products as well. Adding to this, many leading conventional institutions from all across the world are even introducing alternative therapies into their clinics. People have turned towards using alternative system of medicine, since it offers multiple health benefits and cures them in a natural way. Thus, with so much to offer and looking at its growing popularity, making a career in alternative medicine can be the good opportunity. Today there are many institutes that are offering such kinds of courses. You can also select this course through distance education program as there are various alternative therapy institutes as well that are offering alternative medicine correspondence courses as well. The content of most of these courses can help you get fully trained and prepared to enter the desired field with complete confidence. Thus, once you complete the course and with a degree in hand, you can enter various fields that offer various methods of holistic healing.

The benefits of alternative therapy and medicine against modern medicine have grown in popularity with each generation. The demand of alternative medicine exerts has increased and with this growing need for experts. The institute that offering such kinds of courses are becoming increasingly necessary and beneficial. So if you are looking forward to make a career in this field make sure you possess a good education from a reputed alternative medicine institute.

What is Homeopathy A Brief History of this Medicine

The term “homeopathy” comes from the Greek words “homios” and “pathos”, meaning “similar suffering”. “Homeopathy” was coined in 1824 by the German physician Samuel Friedrich Hahnemann (1755-1843). It is a system for treating disease based on the administration of minute doses of a remedy, which, when given to healthy individuals, produces symptoms similar to those of the disease itself. It is based on “similia similibus curentur”, or “like cures like”.

The remedies are made from natural animal, plant, and mineral sources. They undergo a series of dilutions and succussions in order to become potentized. A point of interest is the fact that the higher the dilution, the more potent the remedy becomes. Currently there are thousands of remedies from which to choose. There are no artificial pharmaceutical drugs prescribed. Consequently, there are few harmful side-effects from the remedies, which is a big safety factor.

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann was a physician, chemist, linguist, historian of medicine, and scientific revolutionary. He stopped practicing medicine because he believed that the methods he was taught would do more harm than good. The system at the time was called “allopathic medicine”. Allopathic medicine is the treatment of disease using medicines whose effects are different from those of the disease being treated. It is based on “contraria contrariis”, or “the law of opposites”.

Hahnemann conducted many experiments over many years, and this led him to write a number of important medical texts, still in use today, including “The Organon of the Medical Art”, published in 6 editions, the last being in 1842. He also wrote “The Chronic Diseases. Their Peculiar Nature and Homeopathic Cure”, published in 1835. His system of medicine became known as Homeopathy. It became popular from the 1830s to early 1900s.

Constantine Hering (1800-1880) was considered the father of American Homeopathy. His greatest work was the 10 volume “Guiding Symptoms”, which was completed in 1895 by Knerr. The Allentown Academy was the first school of homeopathy, which opened April 10th, 1835. The American Institute of Homeopathy (AIH) was formed in 1844, and was the first national medical organization. The American Medical Association (AMA) was formed in 1847, in response to the spread of homeopathy. Homeopathy was growing, and in 1867 and 1869 two homeopathic colleges were formed in Philadelphia, the “Homeopathic Medical College”, and “The Hahnemann Medical College”. They merged in 1886 to become “The Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital”.

Around the turn of the century, Constantine Hering dies. For the first time in 50 years, homeopaths had no strong leadership. The schools became increasingly divided over philosophical issues, which started the decline of homeopathy. The colleges slipped into the teaching of keynote prescribing, use of conventional medicines, and lack of philosophy.

In 1909, James Tyler Kent started the “Society of Homeopathicians”, in an attempt to keep homeopathy going. His established Rules of Practice are:

1)Only one remedy is to be given at a time.
2)Remedies must be potentized.
3)Surgery was only to be performed as stated in Aphorism 186 of the Organon.
4)Suppression of symptoms by crude medicines, local treatment, or other means, is un-homeopathic.

However, probably the biggest reason for the decline of homeopathy at the turn of the century was the rise of Modern Medicine. Claude Bernard (1813-1878) was an instigator, and “conventional medicine” grows from statements made by Bernard. He thought that the body is a machine, responding to laws of chemistry and physics. The goal of the physician is not “to restore the sick to health, to cure”, as Hahnemann described, but to correct the abnormality. This was done using drugs which can manipulate through destruction (anti-biotics, radiation), substitution (thyroid extracts), or inhibition (MAO inhibitors). Medicine becomes increasingly driven by science and specialization.

The biggest difference between Homeopathy and Modern Medicine is that in Modern Medicine, the body is examined and broken down into bits and pieces, different parts and organ systems. This works very well for physical symptoms. However, modern medicine does not often include the mental and emotional symptoms. Homeopathy views the body as a whole, functioning not only as a sum of its parts, but which also has a “spirit”, a “soul”, or a “life-force”. Therefore, homeopaths put weight on all three; mental, emotional, and physical symptoms. Each person is an individual. They try to match the “state” of the patient with the “state” of the remedy. By analyzing the totality of symptoms, they find the remedy which works best for that individual.

In 1910, the “Flexnor Report” closed many homeopathic schools.
By 1925, only 2 remain.
In 1935, all hospitals dropped the word “homeopathic”.
By the 1940s, the Hahnemann Medical College is the only remaining school.
The 1970s saw the resurgence of Homeopathy in the U.S.

Homeopathy in Canada

Homeopathy in Canada started in the 1840s. Two early homeopaths were J. Lillie and J. Lancaster. In the 1850s there was an act to qualify and license homeopaths. In 1869, Ontario establishes the “College of Physicians and Surgeons”. Homeopaths had 5 members until 1934, then it dropped to 1.

The 1970s also saw the resurgence of Homeopathy in Canada.
In 2007, Bill 171, enacted June 4th, 2007, establishes the regulation of Homeopathy in Ontario, and creates “The College of Homeopaths of Ontario”.
Homeopathy is now an integral part of the Health System.
The government is confident that homeopathy plays a valuable and significant role in the provision of health care to patients.

Ayurveda versus Modern Medicine

A way or the science of life, ayurveda believes in the prevention of an ailment before it manifests itself. It gives one the right direction on how to conduct ones self, take the right diet and is a holistic healing process. Modern medicine, on the other hand seeks out symptoms before being treated by medicines.

Ayurveda has been used by Indians for thousands of years to treat their body, mind and soul – hence considered as a holistic healing process. As ayurveda uses natural herbs for treatments, oils, massages and yogic postures it has negligible side effects as compared to modern medicine which uses artificially created molecules or processed plant derivatives for consumption.

There may be plenty of persons who advocate that modern medicine is the best as it provides instant relief for any problems. A quick fix solution in today’s world where people do not have the time to go for herbal remedies. Even at the cost of side effects in the short or long run. These side effects are once again treated by allopathic drugs to set things right.

How many of us actually stop to think about the damage we are doing to our body in the long run? How many of us look out for a holistic process whereby the root of the problem is addressed and eradicated once and for all? It is time we realize the damage modern treatments are doing and move towards a fuller approach to life. A way of life – Ayurveda, which will give us overall healing for our longevity peace and prosperity.

Some problems that can be addressed through ayurveda are: 1. Cardiovascular problems – though heart problems can be hereditary they can also be caused by bad lifestyle habits like smoking, over exertion and so on. Ayurveda believes that heart problems can be taken care of through a balanced diet like eating greens, avoiding caffeinated drinks, exercising regularly, practicing yoga, meditation and so on. It also advocates some simple home remedies like taking of fenugreek seeds soaked in water early morning on a empty stomach to control cholesterol levels.

2. Sinus – A modern day disease sinus may be caused by stress, body toxins and disturbance of the biological clock. Ayurveda advocates healthy eating habits and certain oil massages and the nasya treatment which involves the putting of medicated oil in the nostrils under a practitioners supervision.

3. Obesity – Modern day phenomenon obesity is the result of lack of exercise, eating junk or fast food and stress. Ayurveda believes that eating healthy, avoiding of fried food, confectionery and fast food and exercising right will take care of obesity rather than any weight loss pills or surgeries.

4. Acne – The consumption of salty and spicy foods is a major cause of acne. Ayurveda uses natural ingredients like turmeric, cumin for the control and treatment of acne. These are mixed with other substances like yoghurt, sandalwood paste to make face masks or prepared in the syrup form for consumption.

These are just a few of the modern ailments that can be treated by ayurveda. There are hundreds of other problems to which ayurveda provides a cure. Doctors of modern medicine are also incorporating some ayurvedic practices like yoga and massages in conjunction with allopathic medicine for treatment of some diseases. Followed in true spirit ayurveda is truly the best way to heal yourself naturally.

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