Medicine and Positive Thinking – Healing and Health with Positive Thinking

Positive thinking has, for the longest time, been relegated to the realm of new age, inspirational, and metaphysical healing rather than to the empirical fields of science and physiology. Medicine and positive thinking, therefore, were once thought to go together like brownies and onions. But recent findings have revealed that medicine and positive thinking may not be as incompatible after all. Indeed, they may actually be far more complementary than we could ever imagine.

Not only is positive thinking good for mental health, but it is now scientifically proven to be just as healthy for the body. Optimists generally have lower levels of stress hormones and are at lower risk for cardiovascular disease – telltale signs of a healthier immune system-compared to those of pessimists. Positive thinkers are also more likely to get well faster during treatment for a physical illness.

If negative factors like anxiety and stress can adversely affect a person’s physical well-being, then it should follow that positive thinking has a reverse effect. The only reason this hasn’t been readily accepted as truth before is because for years, we have tended to focus more on the negative, measuring and quantifying depression and such while the scales of happiness remained uncharted.

Research has repeatedly shown that chronic and psychological stress delays the healing process, reduces vaccine effectiveness, and diminishes the immune system’s health. Here, at least, we have known that there is, in fact, an obvious connection between what you know and feel in your head and how your body responds to it. Literally, you are what you think.

Medicine and positive thinking are hardly interchangeable, but they work wonders when taken hand in hand. So when you’re sick, expect positive results. Picture yourself in the prime of health; or if you want to be more realistic, visualize yourself recuperating from your sickness. Laugh your way to recovery. That is the best medicine, after all, according to the well-known proverb.

Positive expectations, like the placebo effect, can greatly reduce pain; thus, proving the innate power of an optimistic outlook in life. So do yourself a favor by thinking positive and helping yourself get better.

Medicine and positive thinking do work famously together. It is not believing in a false hope, but rather embracing the beauty of life despite its many setbacks. Positive thinking was never meant to be a miracle cure, but if you focus on living instead of drowning in anger, sorrow, and self-pity, you may just find yourself thinking your way to health and wellness.

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Blood Pressure Medicine Side Effects – When It Becomes a Problem not a Solution

Hypertension, also referred to as the -silent killer- is often the symptom of some other malfunction in your body. Although there are actual natural alternatives and/or home remedies to lower blood pressure, physicians use medications to combat the -silent killer.-

The problem with this is the fact that you become a victim of the annoying blood pressure medicine side effects. Physicians are generally satisfied with prescribing medications because it is effective short- term in that it may actually lower the blood pressure.

It is very important to know that drugs do not cure high blood pressure. They are more of a temporary fix. Sometimes the drugs make a patient experience worse pain in other areas. The physicians usually prescribe four major types of medications to lower blood pressure. The medications are diuretics, beta- blockers, ACE inhibitors and calcium channel blockers. Hypertension is the result of irresponsible lifestyle choices; the drugs are masks, not a cure.

Any drug with the least amount of toxic can cause horrifying side effects. Here are the medications and their individual side effects. Even as the blood pressure may decrease you may inevitably feel worse on the drugs.

Blood Pressure Medicine Side Effects:

1. Diurectics
The least toxic of all the anti- hypertension drug treatment-diuretics are basically dehydrators, meaning they are used to remove fluid from your body by way of the kidneys. The problem with this method of lowering blood pressure is that you are also removing vital minerals such as potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium.

Draining these minerals from your body will cause electrolyte imbalances in your body. Diuretics also cause irregular heartbeat, gout, kidney damage or failure, abnormal cholesterol, uremia, hyperglycemia, impotency, indigestion, visual disturbances, headaches and anemia.

2. Beta- Blockers
Beta- Blockers reduce the force of your heart contractions. As the heartbeat decreases, the blood pressure lowers. This is a dangerous cardiac drug; therefore there will be obvious signs of serious heart disease. You may experience congestive heart failure (basically a heart attack) or arrhythmias.

3. ACE Inhibitors
ACE Inhibitors is generally a -chemical attack.- The drug blocks the release of the molecule, Angiotensin which actually raises the blood pressure. More so, this agent is a protective mechanism that is designed to maintain your -homostasis.- This eventually causes a chemical turbulence as it throws off your biological balance.

4. Calcium Channel Blockers
Calcium Channel Blockers are extremely dangerous as they block the movement of calcium across all membranes. This causes your arteries to dilate while reducing the resistance to blood flow. Calcium Channel Blockers can cause heart failure, gastrointestinal bleeding, liver and kidney damage and a reduced white blood cell count.

As you can see, blood pressure medicine side effects are excruciating and extremely dangerous. Physicians are convinced that if your blood pressure is lowered, the problem is solved. However, the side effects may inevitably become a problem, not a solution.

Alvin Hopkinson is a leading and avid researcher of various high blood pressure treatments. He runs a content-packed website that provides free tips to lower your hypertension and unbiased reviews on common blood pressure medications. Grab your FREE report on how to lower your blood pressure naturally and visit his site at