Tibetan Medicine Herbs In Tibetan medicine, medication is a time-honored treatment. Tibetan drugs are large in number. There will be a section in this book dealing exclusively with the Tibetan pharmacopoeia. Here only recipes and drug forms will be mentioned.
In ancient Tibetan medicine, the drug forms are varied, including decoction, powder, pill (bolus), and paste. There were also nasal and eye dripping and suppository. As time passed, the drug forms were mostly bolus and powder. The reason for this change may be credited to the condition of the plateau where preparation of a decoction was so much trouble. The boiling point there was very low due to the low atmospheric pressure, and some of the effective ingredients could not be dissolved in the solution under such conditions. By contrast, bolus and powders were convenient and more effective under such conditions. Most Tibetan prescriptions are compound recipes, with ingredients ranging from about 3-5 to as many as over 100, and, commonly, a score in number. In the compound recipe, there is one ingredient playing the main role of therapeutic action called the monarch (or king); while the other ingredients are ministerial, official and attendant ingredients. Within the compound, all ingredients are mutually promoting, offering synergies and strengthening to exert better effect, while at the same time they are mutually restrictive, making use of each other’s strong points to overcome their own weak points.
Early in Si bu yi dian (Rgyud bzhi), it was mentioned that the treatment given in Tibetan medicine is diversified. There is a chapter in Gen ben yi dian (Rtsa rgyud) exclusively dealing with treatments, in which it is mentioned that these fall into four categories, namely, diet therapy, regulation of daily living activities, medication and external therapy. In diet therapy, there are various kinds of foods and drinks for different disorders. Regulating the conditions of daily life includes the home, the surrounding environment, clothing, travel, and making friends. In medication, it mainly deals with oral administration, including decoction, powder, pill or bolus, medicinal dew, medicinal oil, cathartics, tonics and emetics. External treatment includes medical instrument therapy, oil rubbing, massage, acu-moxibustion, bloodletting, perspiration, hot compress and medicinal bathing. It is said that altogether there are 98 kinds of such therapies. When compared to other traditional chinese medical systems, this is also quite a unique phenomenon.
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Plant Medicine For Ibs Is Carminative And Antispasmodic
Hemorrhoids are cushions of nonpathologic vascular tissue in the anal canal, which microscopically are sinusoids because they do not have any muscle as do veins. Hemorrhoidal tissue is thought to contribute to anal continence because fifteen to twenty percent of resting anal pressure derives from these cushions. Hemorrhoids may protect the sphincter during defecation, and could operate as plugs to permit the anus to completely close while at rest.
Three main cushions are found in the left lateral, the right anterolateral, and the right posterolateral portions of the anal canal. The symptoms of hemorrhoidal disease are caused by pathologic and dilated changes in hemorrhoidal tissue. Multiple studies have shown elevated anal resting pressure in patients with hemorrhoids. Whether the elevated resting pressure is due to enlarged hemorrhoids is unknown, but resting tone does become normal after a hemorrhoidectomy.
Proposed etiologic factors include vascular congestion and mucosal prolapse. Vascular congestion could derive from prolonged straining or increased intra-abdominal pressure due to ascites, obesity, or pregnancy. Mucosal prolapse may develop secondary to derangement of the internal sphincter or through aging causing the anatomic structures supporting the muscularis submucosa to weaken, leading to prolapse of the hemorrhoidal tissue.
Patients often self-refer with symptoms of itching, pain, or bleeding per the rectum. To the general population, anything problematic around the anus is often suspected to be hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids may prolapse or bleed, but rarely become painful unless they develop thrombosis or necrosis. Thus, anal pain usually suggests other pathology and mandates closer investigation.
As many as twenty percent of patients with hemorrhoids have concomitant anal fissures. Usually, painless bright red bleeding that stains the water in the toilet occurs from internal hemorrhoids. This bleeding is arterial, from presinusoidal arterioles, and is mostly associated with bowel movements where the stool is itself brown. If rectal bleeding is not typical for hemorrhoidal bleeding as described, a prompt and thorough medical evaluation is warranted.
Thrombosed external hemorrhoids cause significant pain because the anoderm is richly innervated which is exactly why external hemorrhoids should not be ligated or excised without adequate local anesthetics. Skin tags are often confused with symptomatic hemorrhoids. A skin tag is redundant fibrotic skin at the anal verge, often persisting as the residual of a thrombosed external hemorrhoid. It is important to note that there is no increased risk of cancer in hemorrhoids.
Because hemorrhoids are a normal part of anorectal anatomy, treatment is only indicated if they become symptomatic. However, in the general management of hemorrhoids, colorectal surgeons agree that all painful thrombosed hemorrhoids should be excised. Some patients present at a time after thrombosis when symptoms have actually begun to subside. Excision is not mandatory in these cases, especially in the absence of erosion or significant tenderness to touch.
Along with over-the-counter topical agents, there are several modalities at the disposal of physicians to treat hemorrhoids. But many of the modalities can be distressing for the patient. The conservative medical hemorrhoids treatment methods demand specialized equipment and training. They carry risks: if such treatment fails, then expensive surgery will become a necessity. Plant medicine is an attractive addition to the traditional treatment of hemorrhoids.
Use of plant medicine can help prevent the onset of hemorrhoids, while also fighting recurrence of the disorder. With this treatment for hemorrhoids, application of plant medicine treats the problem on a cutaneous level utilizing the powerful forces of monoterpenes. These micro particles provide the most rapid absorption; they enter cell membranes with incredible swiftness and have a direct antispasmodic and analgesic effect against hemorrhoids.
Plant medicine has anti-inflammatory mediator that will recruit and activate neutrophils, which then enter the venous wall, destroying unwanted components of the extracellular matrix. The botanical extracts improve microcirculation, capillary flow and vascular tone, helping cure hemorrhoids. Thus, plant medicine can provide undeniable and profound pharmacological effects against hemorrhoids. To learn more, please go to http://www.naturespharma.org.
Herbal Medicine Sicklepod Will Help With Colon Cleansing
Sicklepod and Chinese Senna are both the common names for Senna obtusifolia. Senna is a large species of plant that is prominently found in tropical areas. For many years, the Sicklepod plant has been well known in both the world of herbs and folk medicine. They often act as a laxative and help treat constipation. Much like rhubarb and aloe, the Senna plant has active ingredients in it that give it the ability to loosen stool. It can also help with colon cleansing, as it can cause an increase in the peristaltic movements of the colon when it irritates the mucosa.
Sicklepod leaves have been used for ages in creating tea, and over the years they have developed a lot of medical claims as to what they can do. For a long time it has been a prominent ingredient in a number of tonics and herbal medicines. It has also been a lot in so called “dieter’s teas”. Since it has the properties of a laxative, in addition to acting like a stimulant, it can help someone on a diet to lose weight. In addition to its laxative properties, Senna has also been used to treat various skin diseases when applied directly to the skin in the form of a paste.
Sicklepod is very rich in fiber, which is a powerful ingredient in making sure that bowels move regularly and timely through the body. As for it being a good colon cleanser, during the day to day consumption of food, as waste forms from what the body did not use, it begins to move through the intestines. As the bowels are moving it creates a slimy concoction that gets stuck on the intestinal walls. Things like Senna that are high in fiber are good at removing that slimy residue out of there.
Although Sicklepod has beneficial properties working as a laxative, it needs to be taken in moderate doses. It should never be taken for more than 10 days in a row. Overusing Senna can cause someone to lose fluids, cause their potassium to drop, as well as cause diarrhea. All of that can lead to dehydration, which could eventually cause harm to the muscles as well as the heart. Senna should also not be used during the first trimester when pregnant. Those who suffer from Crohn’s disease, appendicitis, have intestinal obstructions, ulcerative colitis and general abdominal pain should not use any Senna products, tea or otherwise, at all.
Sports Medicine Helping Athletes to Recover From Injuries
Sports physiotherapy is important for any athlete because it addresses the root of the problem and hastens the recovery process. After the athlete is diagnosed and treated by a sports doctor, physiotherapy is usually the next step to help the player get back into the game. This rehabilitative programme is customised for individuals based on their injuries.
The most common sports injuries that are seen among athletes are joint and ankle sprains, hamstring pulls and Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) tears. Most people who play contacts sports that involve running and turning with one foot are likely to get sprains and ligament problems.
Often, ice therapy and Interferential Current (IFC) therapy are administered by the sports physiotherapists to help reduce swelling and treat sprains. The physiotherapy sessions also involve soft tissue massages to relieve pain; joint manipulation or mobilisation for realignment; exercises to strengthen muscles; and programmes to rebuild core stamina endurance.
However, although the possibility of reconditioning the body back to the pre-injury level of fitness with regular and disciplined physiotherapy is about 90 per cent, it is dependent on several other factors – level of injury, the player’s fitness level, weight and nutrition.
Many people have the misconception that you should not exercise after sustaining an injury but this is not true. Not doing an appropriate amount of exercise will slow down the process of muscle recovery.
Though it is important to stay active despite the injury, this is a process which cannot be rushed. You have to be disciplined and patient during the physiotherapy process. Being over eager will just make things worse and this is also the greatest challenge for sports physiotherapists working with enthusiastic and dedicated players.
Athletes are no strangers to sports-related injuries but even weekend ‘sports warriors’ need to careful to avoid hurting themselves. Non competitive players are often eager to play and they forget all about strength, flexibility and their fitness level. However, not having proper training will also mean you’re more likely to get injured if you don’t exercise with caution.
About an Occupational Medicine Specialist
Pulmonology, toxicology, radiation exposure, and many other hazards of the workplace are just some of the main areas of focus of an occupational medicine specialist. For individuals who live in or near Alabama and are suffering from workplace injuries or disabilities and diseases, they should consult an occupational medicine specialist in Alabama for the best diagnostic and treatment results.
Workplace Hazards
There are many different hazardous conditions in a lot of workplaces that would require the services of an occupational medicine specialist. Some workers breathe in asbestos or other harmful dust and fumes. Others ingest the odors of coal and various other toxic chemicals in the plants and factories that they work in. Even with wearing protective masks and special protective uniforms, exposure to these noxious and often poisonous substances still occur. Radiation exposure is one of the biggest hazards that an occupational medicine specialist has to deal with when treating such an infected patient. This problem can occur in nuclear plants when there is a leak or an accident and radioactivity reaches an enormously high level. This special type of healthcare practitioner must known how to most appropriately deal with these serious medical issues.
Treatment Procedures
Many times, patients come in to see this type of physician because they have great difficulty breathing. In this case, the doctor will often prescribe certain inhalers as well as oxygen tanks that the patient has to utilize 24 hours a day. For some radiation poisoning or toxic effects, simply administering an iodine pill will help prevent thyroid cancer. The doctor has to draw extensive blood samples and send them to the laboratory to study the biochemistry, bacteriology, parasitology and toxicology levels of each individual’s blood sample in order to make the most accurate medical diagnosis and treatment protocol possible. It’s not often an easy process of simply eliminating one workplace-induced disease from another.
Extensive workups are always required to be performed in the office. Sometimes people who come to see this specialist will have to be injected with certain fluids to overcome the internal trauma inflicted by workplace accidents, while other times this type of healthcare practitioner will have to physically stitch up workplace inflicted wounds and deep cuts from on the job machinery after an accident has occurred. He has to know how to perform a wide variety of diagnostic and treatment procedures to successfully treat the individuals who come into his office. But he’s a very well trained physician who has had years of extensive experience behind him, so people can feel safe in his hands and definitely trust him that he knows exactly what he’s doing to help them.