Three Way Mirror Medicine Cabinet

Most people who grew up in the past twenty years have most likely had to deal with the concept of a small washroom. While it can still not be so bad if the bathroom entirely belongs to you and has all the different stations and accessories available, it can become quite a nightmare when more family members need to store their belongings in there along with you. In some cases, people can barely manoeuver and turn around in their washrooms; while in many cases this is actually the result of the bathroom simply being tiny, many times we actually find out that the problem is the lack of storage room which in the end created a messy clutter, inhibiting your walking space. Most people find the need to include accessories which are multi-functional for obvious practical reasons. For those of you who want to simply clean themselves up, a single front mirror might prove to be sufficient. However, if you’re one of those people who likes to pamper themselves to become as beautiful as they can, then one mirror simply won’t cut it. More and more people now are going for cabinets with a three-way mirror. Not only do they get their much-needed storage space out of it (which means goodbye clutter and hello free space), but they also get the best setup they could to apply makeup and whatnot. A three-way mirror cabinet is usually very stylish as well, and you can adjust all of the glasses to see whatever part of your head or body you wish to examine. Stylistically it would be very wise to center your restroom design around glasses and mirrors, to give a sleek and modern look which nobody will soon forget. Also remember that there are many dangers lurking in the bathroom for furniture, and thus make sure to get the proper type of finish applied on your materials so as to shield them.

Melissa Roy owns several blogs on wood Cabinet doors read at wood Cabinet door and Kitchen remodeling mistakes .

An Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine

When you hear about Traditional Chinese Medicine, what is the first thing that pops into your mind? Odd stuff in jars in dark smoky rooms where equally odd old men mutter strange incantations in Chinese as they burn incense in a pot? Actually, there may actually literally be such places and maybe they do practice some form of Traditional Chinese Medicine too but in these modern times, Traditional Chinese Medicine can also mean medicine that is practiced by even Western followers of the traditional ways of treating patients as the Chinese have learned all these centuries. And for such Western practitioners, Traditional Chinese Medicine may not mean burning incense as well but rather keeping rather immaculate and clinical treatment rooms where any modern patient would feel comfortable being treated for whatever is ailing him.

One part of Traditional Chinese Medicine that many Westerners may have heard of is acupuncture which is closely related to acupressure. Both acupuncture and acupressure are based on the premise that throughout our body certain points exist at which energy might be strongest. When the Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner finds some energy points to be blocked, he might prescribe a round of acupuncture (meaning, sharp sterile needles are inserted at such pressure points to release your vital energy that has been blocked there), or simply press down on the pressure points in a prescribed way so that the blocked energy finds itself flowing again through your body and the ailment is relieved. Though some Westerners may find this Traditional Chinese Medicine belief to be a bit strange, many other Western medical practitioners now advocate these two Traditional Chinese Medicine practices and may even use them in their own clinical practice.

Depending on who you talk to, Traditional Chinese Medicine may be considered either a form of alternative medicine or a form of complementary medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine may be a type of alternative medicine in that you can opt for Traditional Chinese Medicine practices rather than the conventional Western style of medical treatment thus you chose an alternative. Traditional Chinese Medicine practices become complementary medicine when you allow both a Western style of medical treatment and the Traditional Chinese Medicine practices to be used side by side at the same time when you are undergoing treatment for your ailment. It may be easier to determine the efficacy of Traditional Chinese Medicine when you opt to have it by itself, rather than mixing it with other forms of treatment. This is because the symptoms of your ailment might get relieved under a complementary medicine type of treatment program so you might get confused as to which treatment option really worked for you.

Not surprisingly, many people of Oriental lineage are strong believers in Traditional Chinese Medicine and may eschew modern ways of treatment so that they can favor Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment options alone for themselves and their loved ones. Is this good? It depends on the ailment there are some ailments that modern ways of treatment seem to have been very effective at treating (such as cancer) for which there is little evidence that Traditional Chinese Medicine can cure. If you want to be sure of getting well, you may want to pursue Traditional Chinese Medicine only after modern scientific ways of diagnosing an illness have failed to show what you are really ill with. There is some evidence of a so-called placebo effect when complementary medicine methods are used where modern treatment practices have failed to give the desired cure.

How Dangerous is Modern Medicine

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How Dangerous is Modern Medicine?

Faith in your doctor or health care provider’s ability to safely administer quality medical attention is something most of us take for granted. After all, these are the men and women we turn to when our health is at its worst. Whether it’s a bad case of the flu, a broken bone, or the birth of a new child, we expect them to be there for us when we really need them.

Unfortunately, they’re still only human. And that means even the very best of them still make mistakes.

Sometimes, those mistakes can have deadly consequences. Medical Doctors practicing in many parts of the developed world have become increasingly dependent on the skills and technical expertise of large and expensive support staffs. Nurse practitioners, laboratory and radiological technicians, as well as billing and insurance personnel are all common sights in even small town family doctor’s offices.

There’s a good chance you’ll spend more time with these people than with your actual doctor. Not only does this lead to increased red-tape and larger medical bills, it also significantly increases the room for human error.

Modern Medicine: The Leading Cause of Death!? According to a mountain of statistics complied by a team of researchers, led by Drs. Gary Null, PhD and Carolyn Dean MD, ND, has become the -poster-study’ for this sickening phenomenon. The study, succinctly titled -Death by Medicine,- was initially published in 2006 and shows that more than 750,000 deaths occur in the United States alone as a direct result of poor medical care. That’s significantly more than the number of lives lost to either heart disease or cancer.

According to the study, it’s estimated that nine million Americans are unnecessarily hospitalized every year. Additionally, every year approximately seven to eight million people undergo unnecessary surgical or otherwise invasive medical procedures, plus a whopping 20 million unnecessary prescriptions are written for antibiotics to treat minor VIRAL infections.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. In spite of this overwhelming tide of data, the American industrial medical machine roars on almost unchecked. Practical, safe and proven alternatives such as the use of holistic natural medicine and effective body cleansing techniques for the prevention and care of minor illness are either balked at or forcibly annexed by the corporate and regulatory entities that have done everything in their power to monopolize and exploit healthcare.

Is There a Solution?

This may very well be one of the greatest problems to face the modern world. The problem itself stems from doctors being taught to treat the symptoms of disease instead of the root cause. In other ways, it’s the result of simple human greed.

It’s safe to assume that the vast majority of medical doctors legitimately care about the health and well-being of their patients (or that they did before being jaded by the healthcare system).

As with any problem, there is always a solution. The solution is educating yourself and cleansing your body and living environment of disease causing toxins. Disease and poor health cannot exist in a clean body. I recommend reading my new book -The Green Body Cleanse- to learn about how you can take responsibility for your own health and live a happy disease free life. Thank U.

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Adolescent Medicine in Alaska

The practice of adolescent medicine in Alaska focuses on the care of teenagers. It is a specialized practice in the field of medicine. Adolescent medicine incorporates aspects of internal medicine, psychology, nutrition, gynecology, endocrinology, dermatology and sports medicine. A child is considered to be an adolescent when he or she is about to enter into puberty. Usually, girls enter into puberty a few years prior to boys, on average around the age of ten. A boy will generally enter into puberty when he is eleven or twelve years old. It is recommended that a teenager have a complete physical examination, including regular visits to the dentist and eye doctor, as well as a comprehensive mental health review beginning with the onset of adolescence.

Alcohol and drug abuse are prevalent amongst teenagers in all geographical areas. There is a very high incidence of alcoholism in Alaska. In order to address this problem, there are after-school programs for teenagers who are considered to be at-risk of drug or alcohol abuse or who may be suicidal. There are a variety of programs in Alaska that specialize in working with teenagers in a therapeutic program that addresses these issues. The impetus of these programs is to help the adolescent understand underlying issues that may be propelling them towards alcohol or drug dependence and offering them alternative ways of managing their feelings and stress levels.

Another specialty in adolescent medicine in Alaska is equine therapy. Because of the vast open spaces in Alaska, there are a number of equine therapy centers that work with teenagers on re-establishing good mental health. Some of the benefits of equine therapy are reported to be a raise in self-esteem as the teens learns to take care of his or her horse well. Troubled teens also come away from the program being less defensive because they are able to open up and connect with their horse without being self-conscious or judged. Equine therapy also allows adolescents to develop the qualities of self-discipline, patience, trust and empathy as they learn to take care of their horse and form a bond of friendship.

These are some of the specialized programs focusing on adolescent medicine in Alaska. Teenagers have their own unique medical needs as they grow from childhood to adulthood. Good mental health care is very important if a young person is experiencing difficulty in school or home life. The alcohol and drug rehabilitation programs found in Alaska help a teen to address issues of drug or alcohol dependency. The equine therapy programs are therapeutic programs that address and often heal adolescent mental health issues.

Ayurveda, Still The Most Trusted In The Medicine World

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian treatment is well known as one of the major systems of alternative medicine. The treatment is based on usage of indigenous herbs. In the recent while, the interest in Ayurevda has been on a rise. In the past, it was considered as being truly undeserving to be called as a medicinal system, due to lack of lab trials. But, times have changed and now is taken more seriously with various researches on ayurvedic herbs that are used as medicines being conducted.

Recognised by World Health Organisation, Ayurveda is certified by the Government of India as well. The holistic healing approach that it follows is more than just mind-body sync, it aims at achieving overall good health inclusive of emotional and spiritual aspects as well. Unlike other medicinal systems which rely on medicines, Ayurveda treatment takes a slight different turn. The treatment combines herbs, yoga, exercises and dietary changes to treat disease on a holistic base.

Though mainly considered as totally harmless, Ayurveda does has its share of side effects. Alike everything which in excess causes harm, ayurvedic herbs if exceeded more than recommended can do harm. Consider the case of Garlic bulb. When consumed in excess amount, garlic is observed to cause post- operation bleeding. If consumed on empty stomach, the side effects include vomit and chest burn. Odour problem is another issue with excess garlic consumption. Another in the list is licorice root. Far too consumption can result into swelling of hand and feet due to water accumulation. Use of excess licorice should be avoided specially in cases of high blood pressure.

Obesity is a major trouble for masses around the globe. Modern day health care systems still have not been of much use to many and is slowly being replaced by Ayurveda for cure. The major thing working in favour of ayurvedic healing are the effective results. Practitioners offer treatment based on the assessment of different body types. Importance is given to achieve overall health, which often is neglected in conventional treatment for troubling obesity. The Ayurveda treatment may vary from each person, yet, the basic objective is overall healing.

Ayurveda massages are known to facilitate blood circulation, which helps in fresh and regular supply to tissues functioning in the body. Massages cure the problems of insomnia, high and low blood pressure, ulcers, disorders of urinary bladder and kidney. Ayurveda massage therapy is mainly known for the rejuvenating spirit it incites.